
What is Cohere Nexus?

It is an evolving group of ideas, distinctions, principles, and teachings that values all useful disciplines.
It is a collection of people who consciously participate in their own growth and self betterment.
It is a community of people fascinated by the disciplines of consciousness technologies and meta-physics and how they can be used in everyday life.
It is a resource for continued education, communing with fellow luminaries and much more.

Let's explore a definition. Merriam-Webster says:

Definition of: cohere         intransitive verb

1a : to hold together firmly as parts of the same mass;  broadly  : stick, adhere
b : to display cohesion of plant parts
2: to hold together as a mass of parts that cohere
3a : to become united in principles, relationships, or interests
b : to be logically or aesthetically consistent

Definition of: nexus        noun

1: connection, link ;  also  : a causal link  
2: a connected group or series
3: center, focus

What do I feel Cohere Nexus means?

To keep our defining open-ended, I'll propose a few questions...

What connects us to our center?
How do we activate our faculties and learn to create our better world?
What empowers us to act on our principles and share in our interests?
What brings us together with common purpose?

The answers to these questions are unique to each person and may evolve over time. In creating a name, I wanted to encompass the elements of transformation as an evolving process. For me, cohering a new nexus point is the un-collapse of an old pattern to a more potentialized configuration. From this space, a vast array of new choices become available. This means that the concept of Cohere Nexus is not a destination or a place to reach. It is learning to leverage your awareness and personal power to engage in a conversation with the Universe. Any time we leverage a change in our experience, we have given ourselves a moment to de-cohere from old patterns of thought, feeling and acting. From a new nexus, a space of potential before choice, we can then choose new thinking, feeling and being. 

So how do we get to that new nexus?

Learn. Play. Flow. Evolve.

These are the primary goals for Cohere Nexus. Provide individuals with more knowledge to "live the learning" and to teach tools and get you leveraging changes now. Let's make playing practical and effort-less! 

This includes (but isn't limited to)

  • an ongoing collection of practical tools for daily life

  • practices and exercises which train our faculties

  • evolving theories to help us navigate our experience more playfully

  • a network of people who value, use and share these ideas, tools and theories