Please note:
   The following is my experience of Matrix Energetics. I am a certified Practitioner of M.E.; The following description is my own perspective and may vary slightly from other practitioners and the creator/teachers Dr. Richard Bartlett and Melissa Joy. Please visit for more information about seminars, the science behind consciousness technologies and other resources.

What is Matrix Energetics (M.E.)?

Matrix Energetics is a tool set that helps us leverage our innate powers of transformation. It enables us to access a place of coherent open-ness that is the playground of radical shifts. Matrix Energetics isn’t just about healing or mending old hurts…for me its about touching the vastness of my own Heart and becoming an eccentric and artistic conversationalist with the Universe.

Matrix Energetics is an inclusive perspective; a willingness to entertain all perspectives as valid, although, they may or may not be useful. Neutrality to ‘whatever shows up’ enables an ability to move through different possibilities. When we can playfully shift our perspective we can find entire patterns of mind, body, emotion and beyond are different.

Will M.E. work for me?

Consciousness technologies are not mechanistic and fully explicable in how they function. However, the field of M.E. has a playful attitude, a desire for growth and expansion, and a willingness to surprise and be surprised. When we embody these characteristics, the Field sees something like it and entrains more easily. I might also suggest a willingness to embrace whatever shows up.

How does M.E. function?

Matrix Energetics is believed to interact and affect the holographic/informational fabric of the Universe. M.E. allows us to play on the level of our reality where quantum indeterminacy and possibility reign supreme. From this space, any configuration of consciousness becomes more pliable and malleable. We’ve moved out of just one configuration and are entertaining many. A better question here might be "How can I play with M.E?" Consciousness technologies often involve interaction and communication between the focal point (you) and the field you are entertaining. This means that the

What does M.E. feel like?

The experience of transformation can take on countless forms and no person's journey is the same. Try asking "What might I feel if I interacted with the field of Matrix Energetics?" 

Transformation is a natural expression, we change ourselves all the time. Often times, we choose to reinforce old patterns instead of crafting new ways to dance through our world. "If  could slip in to a new and more joyous expression of myself now, what might I notice?"

We can learn to ask better questions and to entrain with better possibilities. "If I asked a better question, how might that change me?"

One useful aspect of Matrix Energetics is the ability to imprint and broadcast information using our intention. I have done a session and imprinted the experience in to the video below. Notice any shifts in awareness as you watch 

Some suggestions:
Allow your ears to fully absorb the sound of the water. Allow the colors to deeply penetrate in to your awareness. Relax. Relax more as you notice to hear behind the initial sounds. Relax as you soften to see more of what is already there.