Tools for changing coherence...and beyond!

Definition of: consciousness

1a : the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself
b : the state or fact of being conscious of an external object, state, or fact
c : awareness; especially : concern for some social or political cause
2: the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought : mind
3: the totality of conscious states of an individual
4: the normal state of conscious life
5: the upper level of mental life of which the person is aware as contrasted with unconscious processes

Definition of: technology

1a : the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area
b : a capability given by the practical application of knowledge
2: a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge
3: the specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor

What is a consciousness technology?

A consciousness technology is any activity of the awareness that is meant to leverage a change. These activities are meant to change our own self or others, and vary dramatically across the spectrum of self-help, meditative or physical practices, alternative healing modalities, body and mind hacks, organizational and practical approaches to lifestyle design and countless other fields. Ultimately, any time we choose to alter our awareness, using own own mind and body or something external like mind-altering substances or medicines, we are using a consciousness technology.

What is an artist with out a medium? Still an artist, of course! While some of us may never become the next iconic painter or the next champion dancer, we all have a canvas that we can, and do, play upon every day. The medium for the Awareness-Engineer/Artist is the fabric of experience itself. Our daily lives have untold possibility and richness if we allow ourselves to notice.


As you read this, notice some aspect of now, that normally you might edit out. Like the birds chirping outside or the color of your shirt lying on your bed…allow yourself a moment to enjoy your senses. Draw in the many colors, sounds and textures and soften more in to the visceral feelings in your body. Breathe gently as you allow yourself to become absorbed in the experiencing of noticing.

Something as simple as looking around you and “noticing something different” can have profound impact on how you feel. Do a quick self-check; Did you feel different after noticing some element of your surroundings and softening in to the sensation?

If yes, voila! We’ve just had our first mini-experience in changing our consciousness. 

If no, that’s perfectly alright. There are countless tools and practices for altering our awareness…press on bravely as we get through the introduction and in to practical application!

While this exercise may seem tiny and totally mundane compared to some other tools we’ll explore soon, it is important to start with a micro-experience...Less is more. 

If we can change our consciousness in the span of 10 seconds or less, we have the ability to shift in any situation. Having a tool set for “quick-in-the-moment” adjustments in thinking feeling or acting is highly recommended.

Lets explore another quick exercise called “breathing in the heart.”


Notice a place on your body, any place will do. Now mentally draw your awareness from that place on your body towards the center of your chest. When your awareness is softly centered around your heart, imagine breathing through the chest. Feel as though your heart didn’t need to draw in through the nose but instead could draw in and soften out as sensation in the body. Breathe from your heart feeling the inward drawing and outward releasing.

Did you notice a shift in your thinking, feeling or sensing? This is another tool that can easily be used for a moment or for a longer period of time. Try breathing through your heart as you go about your day; make it almost effortless and playful!

I feel that consciousness technologies should be taught to all people there by encouraging each person to find the ways which help them to realize their best potential. Practices including meditation, body and spatial awareness, mental and emotional hacks, and other ways of organizing, inspiring and changing ourselves are vitally important for every person.